Challenges and Opportunities of Irrigation Practices in Ethiopia, a Review


  • Anmut Enawgaw Kassie Department of Natural Resources Management, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Debre Markos University, Ethiopia Author


Challenge, Ethiopia, Irrigation, Opportunity, Review


Irrigation practices were long been in use during ancient times with unspecified beginning period. However, Irrigation was not likely a driving force for the initiation of ancient civilization in Ethiopia. Since 1950’s modern irrigation was introduced at the Awash and Rift Valley basins for production of commercial crops. Government, donors and non-governmental organizations are investing in development irrigation systems in Ethiopia from small to large scale irrigation schemes. As a result, irrigation is developing rapidly. However, its contribution to the national economy is not significant when compared to rain-fed agriculture. This review was conducted to investigate the irrigation practice challenges and opportunities in Ethiopia. The extension service was inadequate and not packaged. Credit service bureaucracy like group collateral was constrained to improve irrigated crop production. Water governance was done by water users but interference by the government bodies aggravated water use conflicts. Streams drying, percolation and seepage of water are the most challenges. Irrigation created employment opportunity for household members and the rural community, and also improved their income. Therefore, policy makers and development practitioners should improve policies and strategies based on the agro-ecology and socio-economic settings of irrigation areas to alleviate the challenges, and strengthen the opportunities.              


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How to Cite

Kassie, A. E. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities of Irrigation Practices in Ethiopia, a Review . International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering, 4(1), 45-56.

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