Utilization of management tool Microsoft project in construction Industry : A Review


  • Vishwanath Bhatele P. G. Scholar Department of Civil Engineering, Bhopal, R.E.C., Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Author
  • Ajeet Saxena Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bhopal, R.E.C., Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Author


Project Management, Microsoft Project, Review, Scheduling, Civil Industry


Project management incorporates the way toward arranging, organizing, overseeing assets and methods to accomplish the hierarchical objectives. Objectives are set and accomplished in the project management and it's tied in with handling and controlling. Project management is about the arranging and controlling how the hierarchical objectives are met. Much the same as the business administrators who oversee a particular business zone, project supervisors administer the general project allotted to them and control cost and generation matters inside enterprises. Microsoft project is an easy and simple management tool which provide fast and specific procedure for management and scheduling of a project. Civil industry utilizes such tools for proper and easy management of various project. Programming building is worried about the improvement and headway of immense and different programming serious frameworks. It covers hypotheses, techniques and devices for the particular, engineering, structure, testing, and support of programming frameworks. The present improvement of programming frameworks are altogether huge, intricate and basic, that just through the utilization of computerized methodologies can such frameworks be created and advance in a monetary and opportune way.
In this paper we are providing review of research done in past related to management of civil projects using tool Microsoft project.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Bhatele, V., & Saxena, A. (2019). Utilization of management tool Microsoft project in construction Industry : A Review . International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering, 3(6), 98-101. https://ijsrce.com/index.php/home/article/view/IJSRCE193614

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