Genesis of the planet Earth


  • S. Orlov Petrozavodski State University, Petrozavodsk, Russia Author


Theory of Vortex Gravitation, Celestial Mechanics, Cosmology, Cosmogony


In this article we consider the origin and subsequent evolution of our planet. Theoretical studies are based on the author's theory of vortex gravity, cosmology and cosmogony, and also on the law of conservation of the angular momentum of the body's rotation. As a practical justification for calculations and conclusions, the well-known fact of slowing the rotation of the Earth is used. The principles of the formation of elementary particles and all types of inorganic and organic substances are proposed. The calculation of the physical state of our planet in the past and in the future is done. The age of the Earth is calculated in the article, which exceeds the generally accepted value by 1.2 billion years. It is shown that the principle of the origin and evolution of the Earth is fully applicable for the genesis of all other celestial bodies.              


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Orlov, S. (2018). Genesis of the planet Earth . International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering, 2(4), 51-59.