Analysis of An Intake Well Treatment Plant Unit Using Analysis Tool A Review
Analysis, Stress, Forces, Deflection, Staad.ProAbstract
Liquid storage tanks are one of the many important structures that demand greater safety against natural disasters like earthquakes. Specific concentration must be paid while designing the water tank to avoid the potential damage associated with the failure of storage tanks and water treatment plants.
In India at least, most of the components of water treatment plant like clariflocculator, aeration tank, disinfection tank etc. are composed in RCC. Pre-stressed concrete is not economical for small structures. But this construction can be efficient for water treatment plant. The pre-stressed steel strands distribute loads uniformly around the tank circumference efficiently. In pre-stressed concrete, compressive stresses are applied to the concrete prior to loading. The entire cross section is essentially in compression under service loads, which takes advantage of concrete’s considerable compressive strength but minimal tensile strength. Since concrete deforms under sustained loads (creep), pre-stressed concrete was not practical until the advent of high strength pre-stressing bars and strands.
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