A Statistical Method to Evaluate the Significant Factors That Causes Schedule Delays in Indian Construction Industry
Community participation, Walking Speed, Stroke WalkingAbstract
Objective : The timed up and go (TUG) test is method used to determine the functional mobility of persons with stroke. Its reliability, validity, reaction rate, fall prediction, and psychological characteristics concerning ambulation ability have been validated. However, the relationship between TUG performance and community ambulation ability is unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the TUG performance time could indicate community ambulation levels differentially in persons with chronic stroke. Design: Cross sectional study. Material and methods: Total 27 subjects (both male and female) who were previously diagnosed by a neurologist as suffering with chronic stroke were included as per inclusion and exclusion criteria and informed consent was obtained from all the subjects after the procedure was explained to them. All the subjects were assigned to one group only. Subjects were recruited from different hospitals, physiotherapy centres and communities in and around Allahabad and Dehradun. Result: The data was analyzed for 27 participants and the mean age was 58.70 ± 6.75 years and mean of duration of stroke was 26.48 ± 12.73 months. our study showed highly significant correlation between four square step test and timed up & go test (r = .983,p<0.05) in chronic stroke patient.
Conclusions: The FSST is easy to perform and provide a quantitative measure of the ability to quickly change direction while lifting the feet off the ground. The FSST assess the ability to change direction quickly and it takes minimum space and time to administer the test. Hence, the Four Square Step Test is better test to measure dynamic balance in ambulatory chronic stroke patients
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